Apple TV Game - Project Journal

Starting a brief Journal documenting the progress of a new game that I’m building for Apple TV. I’ve been following a tutorial from Justin Dike at CartoonSmart and building a two-player tank battle type game. Currently, the code is complete… for the most part, I’ll make some tweaks as I move forward. I’ve also got some art work ready and now it’s time to put it all together.


Tank Battle Game

I chose to build a classic tank battle game for several reasons, here’s the list…

  • Learn the in’s and out’s of preparing an app for the AppleTV
  • Expand/Practice Swift and SpriteKit
  • Become familiar with tvOS
  • Connect external controllers

Todo List

  • Hook up the “Lives” left labels and set it up as images instead of labels
  • Include a wins counter that updates as a new level is presented
  • Find and add in the proper sound effects
  • Complete 5 levels and a game over menu
  • Add in Fabric
  • Ad in Game Center Achievements
  • Marketing artwork
  • Game Description (outsource)
  • Exploding Barrels

Add the wins counter was much easier than I was trying to make it out. I guess you just pass in the info you need win transitioning to a new GameScene

if let scene = GameScene(fileNamed: "Level" + String(levelToLoad)) {
    scene.currentLevel = theLevelToLoad //
    scene.blueWins = blueWins
    scene.greenWins = greenWins
    scene.forcedOnePlayerMode = forcedOnePlayerMode
    self.view?.presentScene(scene, transition: SKTransition.fadeWithColor(SKColor.blackColor(), duration: 2))

This is working for me, but I need to verify it’s the correct way to update my wins SKLabel.

Got the game sound effects up and running. I also found a great background song for the Main Menu Scene and have it playing, but I need to change it defer to the user’s Music… if playing.

6-18-2016 Update

Added in another song for gameplay background music and researched/figured out how to allow the user’s Music to play in the background.

do {
  try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient)
  try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
} catch let error as NSError {

First .setCategory to AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient which makes the app’s background music nonprimary (app can be used with sound off.) then .setActive is true to activate the app’s audio session.

6-29-2016 Update

After watching Designing for tvOS from WWDC I made some changes. The main thing was to increase the size of the Tanks, making them easier to see from 10 feet or more.

Added exploding barrels on the Todo list.

7-15-2016 Update

Submitted for App Store Review! I created all the Screenshots, Preview video, and description on my own. If approved, the game will be released in New Zealand and Australia. I’m hoping to get some insight to see what kind of conversion rate my marketing material is pulling down.

7-17-2016 Update

Passed review and KaBOOM! Tanks of War is now available in New Zealand and Australia. I went overboard writing a crazy description, but it should be interesting to see what kind of downloads I get. I also used a yellow background on my icon to make it stand out amoung the sea of normal colors.

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