iMessage Sticker Pack Tutorial

iMessage Sticker Pack

A Sticker Pack app is a great first project for any developer/artist to get started with iOS. It’s simple way to get some experience with Xcode and see what it takes to get an app ready for the App Store. Here’s how to make your own Sticker Pack for iOS 10, just like Pocket Ninja. read more

Apple TV Game - Project Journal


Starting a brief Journal documenting the progress of a new game that I’m building for Apple TV. I’ve been following a tutorial from Justin Dike at CartoonSmart and building a two-player tank battle type game. Currently, the code is complete… for the most part, I’ll make some tweaks as I move forward. I’ve also got some art work ready and now it’s time to put it all together. read more

Learning Auto Layout

Why use auto layout

Auto layout could be considered an everyday skill needed for an iOS developer. Last week I vowed to learn the ins-n-outs, so I’m starting from beginning -> using constraints in Interface Builder. Auto layout is a big subject, I’m going to add to this post as I as go along. I’ll update the resources pages with links to relevant matter, as well as, add links to the bottom of this post. read more