AdMob Demo App

AbMob Demo

With iAd shutting down at the end of June, I thought this is a perfect time to start learning Google’s AdMob. It was sad to see the shuttering of iAd because it was so easy to implement, track and stay-on-top-of all right there in one place. AdMob is the obvious replacement, but I was a little concerned about the amount of time it would take to get up and running. Here’s what I ended up with after just a few minutes of research and coding, it was much easier than I expected. read more

Exploring Enums in Swift

I’m learning enums in Swift are very powerful. When I first started studying Swift, I blew by enums, just enough to recognize the syntax and get a general idea about how to use them. As I learn more, it’s obvious that enums are a great tool to be used in more situations than I imagined. read more